on demand welcome


You’ve been 
selected to join the On Demand Barbers Program.

Welcome to the On Demand Barbers Program at On Set Barber Shop! We are excited to have you join our team of talented and dedicated barbers. As part of our program, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a diverse clientele, enhance your skills through ongoing training, and be part of a supportive and dynamic team. We are committed to providing you with the resources and support you need to succeed and grow in your career.

App Downloads

Download the Square 
Team and AppointmentsApp

Please download the Square Appointments and Square Team apps from your App Store.

Square Appointments allows you to manage your schedule, book appointments, and send reminders to clients, ensuring a smooth and organized workflow.
Square Team helps you track your work hours, view your schedule, and communicate with the team, making it easier to stay connected and informed.
Both apps are essential for streamlining your work and enhancing your experience with the On Demand Barbers Program.

Apple Users Download Below. 
Android users donload from the google play store on your mobile device.  

You will receive an email with log in instructions. DO NOT CREATE AN ACCOUNT.
Square Teams DownloadSquare Appointments Download

Onboarding Documents

Download your onboarding documents here. 
Fill them out and email to Owner@OnSetBarberShop.com
Once complete, we will reach out to you for your next steps!  

Training ManualCommission Agreement